But, what I was going to experience was a different music- thunder, lightning and the lashing first rain of the season. Soon after arrival at home I went to the terrace with my camera as if it was my first rain of my life. How many rainy seasons I have seen in my life! Each one totally different!

Memories of my rain drenched days at Virajpet, Kodagu are still wet. Though my physical health did not enjoy the seemingly perpetual rain, my mind enjoyed it to the brim. My experiences of bike rides from Virajpet to Madikeri and back in nonstop rain- probably I would never get that back. Rain in Kodagu- where it was raining for almost 6 months in a year is totally of different sort compared to our plainland rains. There was no thunder, no lightening and no variation in the downpour. No variation is little boring, but it is the giver of life! All the life depends on rain. People grumble about sweating heat, trees silently shed their leaves, but all life waits for it. Fans and airconditioners are deceptive and a mockery of cool monsoon breeze.
On the terrace of my home, I saw enveloping dark clouds and pouring rain at a distance. Can my camera catch the coolness of the comforting breeze? Can it smell the aroma of soil aroused by the rain? The darkness of the clouds is neither gloomy nor sinister; in the depths of its darkness hides the light of life and the music of monsoon.
Dear Balu
your prose is fine. you can be a nice chronicler. I have posted a story on my blog'- viji56-. I am not a photo savvy and my blog doesn't look so ornated.
Thank You Viji.
Jo, I know you. You are born and brought up in the heart of the monsoon. I canot understand why it moves me so much.
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