Saturday, September 23, 2006

A bird in hand

Today is Saturday and my office closes as 12.30 in the afternoon. When I returned home, my Son S wanted me to take him to our GKVK campus for birdwatching. Birds are his latest obsession. R had gone to her usual saturday counselling (she works as a voluntary child counsellor). I told S that we should go with an expert. Instead, he can do the birdwatching in our small garden itself. Many a birds visit our garden and some have built their nests also. Having suggested him that I went to take a nap. When I wokeup he was very pleased- he did not only watch the birds he had taken few photographs also. Well, here they are.

And an odd man out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures,

excellent, he will be a good photographer like you.

-- prakash